Last night my highschool friend Judy and her daughter and my son and I went to my old highschool's homecoming game. Judy and I have been going for the last 2 or 3 years so it's sorta become a tradition now. It's always fun to go back there and relive memories in my mind of all the football games I attended while in highschool. Now I'm going to date was almost 30 years ago. Yep, I was class of 1980, a great year!! I had some really good times in highschool going to games, pep rally's and dances. The music of the 70's was the best! I just can't believe that time has flown by so incredibly fast. I now have a son who will be going to highschool next year. My baby is growing up so fast....the time has just whizzed by. I can scarcely believe that within 3 short years I will hit 50!!! OMG! I still feel like I'm in my 20's (in my mind anyways-my body tells me otherwise ;-)). We won the game last night. We totally smeared the opposing team. I mean really, we had 4 touchtowns already in just the first quarter!!! And it rained sporadically throughout the night so it was pretty much....umbrella's open...umbrella's closed.....umbrella's open....umbrella's get the idea. We had a really good time anyways. Judy and I thought that we would see some fellow classmates from our class because on Facebook they said they were coming but sadly we didn't. Oh well, there's always next year.
Today was a beautiful crisp fall day. Nicholas went with his friend to an apple orchard to pick apples and make apple cider. I took Scully to the Vet where he got some more shots. When I came home I had planned on going to one of the many festivals going on around town but decided not to. What's the point when you can't spend any money right? So I stayed at home doing nothing. I had planned on making some soap and that didn't happen. I was feeling mighty lazy and sort of blue...don't know why. It was just of THOSE days. I'm sure you all have had them.
I have a couple of new pics of my dear puppy Scully (one with my dear son) I thought I'd share with everyone. They were taken a couple of days ago.

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