Today was just like a beautiful August summer day. Not a cloud in the sky, hot outside, just lovely. I can't believe it's almost mid-October. Geeesh, the weather here is soooo unpredictable!
My soaping adventures continue...... Yesterday I made a soap that totally morphed into weirdness and I don't have a clue as to why. Then today I go to look at the soap (scented with a dupe of Estee Lauder's Pleasures) and it's morphed yet again...actually much better. I just don't get it???? Then tonight I throw caution to the wind and make a break the rules soap and decide on 3 colors and hope for the best. I think I got great colors!! Here goes...
This is the funky soap....notice the weird middle?
This is what it looks like cut
This is what it looks like today, one day later.
Do you understand?
And here's the soap I did tonight ;-)
Soaping sure is a learning experience. I thought I'd share my break the rules soap recipe with you all. This recipe is for a 3 pound batch/superfatted at 15%. Here goes:
Coconut Oil 1020 grams (36 ounces)
Cocoa Butter 340 grams (12 ounces)
Water 397.9 grams (14 ounces)
Lye-NaOH 198.9 grams (7 ounces) (lye concentration of 33.3%)
Fragrance 1 ounce (2Tbsp) per pound of oils (this recipe would take 6 Tbsp.)
I added powdered milk to the water (follow instructions on the brand you buy)
Melt your oils and let them cool (I usually add my fragrance to the oils but you can add at trace if you like). Then mix your powdered milk with very cold water until well mixed. Add your lye to the milk slowly, stirring as you go. The solution will likely turn yellow but don't worry you'll still get nice soap, just keep your nose away from the lye solution. Let the lye solution and oils reach room temperature or close to it. Now add your lye/milk solution to your oils and start whisking and stick blending until you get to trace. What you do with it from this point is entirely up to you. Add 1 color, 2 colors, whatever you like. Let cure for 4-6 weeks.
Happy soaping! ;-)