Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Been a long time!

I cannot believe that I have not posted for over a year....what a drag.  I wanted to use this blog as a diary of sorts for my soapmaking journey and I've failed miserably.  Well, what can I say, life happens.  I'll try to keep it updated more frequently.  I've learned so much more about soaping it is amazing!!  And I've made some really cool soaps since the last time I blogged.  I think that from time to time I will also use this blog to post my own food recipes and/or recipes I've tried and have really liked.  Sharing is always a good thing, right?

As far as my personal life, not much has happened really since the last time I posted.  I'm still in search of a permanent job.  It sure is hard out there.....wish me luck, I will certainly need it...I'm going on 2 years w/out steady work.  I've worked a couple of temp jobs but I need something permanent.  So I put my faith in God's hands, he will look after my family and I and aid me in finding work.

I'm going to take this opportunity to post some of the soaps I've made throughout this past year.  And I promise I'll be posting soon.

I've also picked up another hobby...sort of anyway. I've always been intrigued with quilting. I find them to be so beautiful and made with so much care and love, and that's what I like. The planning, execution and love that goes into every quilt made. For my son's b-day this year I made him 2 things, a rag quilt and a b-day cake...here's a pic of both:

Here's a pic of the quilt I made for my mom: