Saturday, November 8, 2008

November 8, 2008

Here are this year's Halloween pics:

Dad and son

Me and my boo

Oo0h, you're bad!

Ro Rock on!
There you have it. I did the make-up which took a while but it was worth it. He got a little too much candy if you ask me but that's all part of being a kid I suppose. I just hope dentist visits won't be forthcoming!
It's a lovely fall Saturday and I'm sitting here at my computer as usual. Just glue my butt to the seat, this is where I am most of the time.....sad but true. I gotta get out more right? The fall crisp air beckons and I'll probably ignore it.
Well, that's all for now. Got some work to do. Till next time.......

Friday, November 7, 2008

November 7, 2008

Gosh, I didn't realize that it had been so long since I "blogged". Hmmm. Gotta work on that. Anyway, we are now in November, my favorite time of the year. The trees and sky are lovely and the air is crisp. To me the autumn always feels like a new beginning. I just love it. And the greatest thing of all - I have not suffered from allergies this year, woohoo!!!!! I'm happy, happy, happy! This time of the year usually finds me coughing and hacking, non-stop. I'm taking a bazillion supplements these days which may have helped to boost my immune system, hence no allergies.

I recently (November 3 to be exact) started a new weight loss plan called Crack the Fat loss code by Wendy Chant. It is a diet that is based on "carb cycling". The first week is basically carb deplete week - 20 g of carbs or lower. YIKES!!! This is what I am doing now and let me tell you, it is HARD!!! I feel like crap most of the time and I feel weak. But I must forge ahead if I'm to lose all this weight that is dragging me down and look decent in a pair of jeans again. This diet is a lot harder than I ever expected. Anyway, I'll probably be talking bunches about this diet or my lack of willpower in being able to do it (hopefully not the latter.....)

I wanted to post some pics of halloween this year but I first have to pay bills ;-( so I'll come back to chat some more, in the meantime....TGIF!!!!!

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

August 12, 2008

Thought I'd start a blog for fun and to tell ya the truth I don't have much to say. I'll probably post some pics later but for now am feeling rather lazy so I'll save it for later.